Creating An Outline

My senior year of high school, I had a lot of practice writing outlines. I had a strict, intimidating English teacher, but it was the most useful experience. The following outline is what I was expected to turn in for every paper I wrote that year. (Note: This is just one way, out of the multiple way, to write an outline!!)

Intro: Thesis statement followed by claim a, b, c, etc.

I. Transition + Claim A
a. Supportive Claim
b. Supportive Claim

II. Transition + Claim B
a. Supportive Claim
b. Supportive Claim
c. etc.

III. Transition + Claim C
a. Supportive Claim
b. Supportive Claim

IV. Transition + Claim etc.
a. Supportive Claim
b. etc.



  • 1. The thesis and each roman numeral should be in sentence format.
  • 2. The roman numeral introducing your new claim should include a transition at the beginning. This will help you create smooth transitions between ideas.
  • 3. If you list your claims in the order of a, b, c, then it should appear in your paper in the order of a, b, c. There can be more than three claims.
  • 4. The supportive claims should not be in sentence format.
  • 5. It would be nice if there are at least 2 supportive claims for each claim; if you can only think of 1, that’s fine.
  • 6. Do not worry about your conclusion yet. Sometimes it can be easy to write your conclusion first and sometimes it’s easier to write last.
  • 7. DO NOT end your paper with: In conclusion, Overall, etc.
  • I Wanna Play Too!

    One of my favorite memories with my siblings (I have two brothers and a sister) was around Christmas. We got the new Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii. We played it for the next week until we beat it, and for once, no one was running through the house screaming and fighting. It was the longest amount of time that all four of us got along!

    So, last night, I went to my parents house to do my homework, instead of the school (knowing that I wouldn’t be nearly as productive). I really enjoy spending time with my family, and it’s important to me to stay in contact with them, even if they are only a few minutes away. Most times, when I go home though, my parents are watching TV and my siblings are playing video games, and usually, the game of choice is Destiny. . .

    I always end up in my sister’s room while I’m home to see how she’s doing and share our “awkward moment” stories. At some point between the time I get home and finally have a chance to talk to her, one of my brothers will come rushing into her room and will say something along the lines of, “We’re getting ready to do a raid, and we need one more person. You wanna join?” Buzz kills my night. Every. Time.

    So, when I told my sister that I was leaving last night, she stopped talking to my brother through her headset to quickly say, “Bye, love you,” while her eyes stayed glued to the TV. I usually get a hug and some eye contact!

    It made me feel sooo sad! Not because I didn’t get my usual hug and meaningful “I love you”, but because I was missing out on some quality time with my siblings. . .through a headset. I am jealous; I want to play with them, talk to them about it later, and know all of the inside jokes! You know, like when we all played Super Mario Bros. together!

    Although it sucks for me, and I’m starting to feel more left out the more I’m writing about this, I think it’s great that they can all communicate with each other through this game. As much as I’d love to connect with my siblings, I definitely won’t be buying a PS4 anytime soon, so I’ll stick to fighting for their attention when I come home -_-

    Social Media Research Paper

    We’re writing a research paper this semester over a topic in social media. The topic I’m going to be researching this semester is Digital Media and Copyright. This is a list of references I’ve put together so far.

    Keywords used to find articles: digital works, digital media, social media, copyright, protection, fair use

    Maloney, M. C. (1997). Intellectual property in cyberspace. The Business Lawyer, 53(1), 225-249. Retrieved from

    Memon, N., & Wong, P. W. (1998). Protecting digital media content. Association for Computing Machinery.Communications of the ACM, 41(7), 34-43. Retrieved from

    Ahmad, T. (2009). Intellectual property law in internet. Rochester: Social Science Research Network. Retrieved from

    Dames, K. M. (2010). Three basic copyright questions answered. Information Today, 27(5), 18-19. Retrieved from

    Harris, L. E. (2012). Copyright law: A refresher. Information Outlook, 16(3), 24-25. Retrieved from

    Long, S. A. (2006). US copyright law: The challenge of protection in the digital age. New Library World, 107(9), 450-452. doi:

    Milone, M. (1999). Digital millennium act revises copyright legislation. Technology & Learning, 19(6), 60. Retrieved from

    Harris, L. E. (2013). Complying with copyright when using social media. Information Outlook (Online), 17(3), 29-30. Retrieved from

    Stefanac, S. (1996, 06). Copyright ain’t dead…yet. Macworld, 13, 137. Retrieved from

    Appleby, L. (2013, Fall). Social media creates copyright problem. News Media and the Law, 37, 25-26. Retrieved from

    Han, Y. (2012, Winter). The basics of the digital millennium copyright act. News Media and the Law, 36, 12. Retrieved from

    Steeves, R. (2014). Digital revolution in copyright law. Inside Counsel, Retrieved from

    Week #3: Social Media Experience

    I’ve been slacking with trying to keep up with social media this week. I find it hard to use these extra platforms for three reasons:
    1. I’m usually doing homework, working, or both, so time becomes limited
    2. If I’m not at school, then I don’t have access to internet at home, unless I use the data on my phone that I share with 5 other people. If I had internet at home and could work on this in the comfort of my own home, then using these platforms would become 10x easier
    3. In all honesty, it becomes harder to use something like these platforms when it becomes homework

    This is where I’m at so far with my social media platforms:

    Snapchat: The first week I had this, I used it frequently, but it has slowed down quite a bit. Since my last post about Snapchat:
    Score Before: 195
    Score Currently: 448

    Tumblr: I actually reblogged a picture from another students blog this week, but that is all. I still don’t fully understand Tumblr, but a lot of that has to do with me not diving into it to learn how to use it yet.

    LinkedIn: There’s a section where you can add certain courses that you have taken. I’m not going to put all of the courses I have taken because it would become too long of a list. It needs to be short enough so someone can see what I have experience with at a quick glance, so it needs to have some thought put into it. So, I have been thinking about what I would add, and one class that I know I’m going to put at the top is the Motion Graphics class I took last semester. It pertains to my degree, I have great interest in it, and from what I have been told, is a unique skill to have.

    Week #3: Class Reflection

    This week, we discussed an article about Twitter, How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life and I lead a class discussion about APA since we’re writing a research paper in APA format. The most important part of this week for me though, was Friday.
    We ended this week with a discussion of how the class is going so far. I feel like these discussions are always important, especially since it’s the first semester it’s being taught, and it’s the most useful way to figure out what’s working and what’s not, as long as no one is too shy to speak up and share their honest opinion. Personally, I feel that we’ve spent a lot of time reading articles and discussing them in class. The halfway point in the semester is creeping up quickly, and we really haven’t dived into some important topics, such as using social media for marketing ourselves or for others using Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Without the discussion Friday, these concerns most likely wouldn’t have been shared.

    Week #2: Social Media Experience

    So last week I started to look a little more into LinkedIn. I had a LinkedIn before this class, but I never really used it. The only information on my page was: name, school, location, education, a few accepted endorsements.
    Last week I added my volunteer experience. I noticed that there was a section to add courses I’ve taken, and there was obviously a place to add work experience. The reason I haven’t added anything to these sections is that I struggle with what would be appropriate to add and what is not necessary.
    I feel that I need to do a little research into what makes a LinkedIn profile more successful and possibly get some guidance from my own mom, who knows more about how to use the site than I do.

    Connections Before: 10
    Connections Currently: 15

    Week #1: Self Evaluation

    We ended this week with having to evaluate ourselves. There is a specific list of requirements that we have to do in order to earn certain grades in the class. At the beginning, we had to write down the grade we believed that we would earn in the class. In this evaluation, we have to select the grade we believe we would earn right this moment, answer whether it’s the same we put at the beginning, and justify why they are or are not the same.

    I originally stated I would earn an A. I believe I have an A in this course right now because:

  • I have attended all classes with no unexcused absences or tardies
  • I have posted an average of 2 blogs each week
  • I have already started documenting my “social media prowess” through my blog
  • I have been making contributions to class discussion every class period
  • I have already started experimenting with 3 new social media platforms, have documented on my blog, and mentioned my experiences in class
  • I have posted my blog and twitter to class Wiki when asked to
  • I had my topic posted on the class Wiki and approved by the instructor in class by the time it was “due”
  • I have already started to give classmates comments about their social media platforms
  • I have been communicating with others outside of class through social media
  • I have read all of the assigned readings and had my question prepared before every class
  • I have posted an article to Diigo
  • Week #1: Class Reflection

    I was a little confused about all of the “tasks” we have to do every week, but I think it was cleared up for the most part on Friday. What I am/was confused about is some of the redundant “tasks” that we have to do.

    1. Each week we’re supposed to post articles to Diigo and WikiSpaces. But, it doesn’t make sense to have to post articles to both sites.

    2. WikiSpaces is supposed to keep us up to date with the class, and we’re supposed to be active on Twitter to stay current with the class. It seemed a bit redundant. But, the main issue I had with this is that as a person who does not post to Facebook OR Twitter, and have already chosen 3 new social media platforms to experiment with, with no internet at home ( I know, I’m living in the stone age! ), it feels like I am having to take on an extra platform with just as little time and resources as before.

    So, to summarize WHY I felt a little confused about everything we’re supposed to be doing, and WHAT I felt was redundant:

    We’re supposed to post articles to Diigo and WikiSpaces. WikiSpaces is supposed to keep us up to date with the class, but we’re supposed to be active on Twitter as well to keep us current with the class.

    From what I understood on Friday after asking about the situation is that we only have to post to articles to Diigo, and as long as I am paying attention to Twitter, I do not have to post regularly in order to get an A in this course.

    Week #1: Social Media Experience

    As I mentioned in my previous blog, I decided to experiment with Snapchat, Tumblr, and LinkedIn. So far, I have only used Snapchat and Tumblr.

    Tumblr: I am using my old account that I created my first semester at K-State Salina ( I’m on my eighth semester now ). When I logged into my account, I didn’t have any followers, I was only following one blog, the Tumblr staff, and I had two blog posts ( papers from my first semester ). So, I jumped right into and at least set up the simple things. I added a photo for my “display picture”, gave it a title, added a description that appears under my title, and changed the theme of my blog. As of right now, I have 3 followers and am following 5.

    followers = 0
    following = 1

    followers = 3
    following = 5

    Snapchat: I did not have Snapchat previous to this class. I didn’t see much in it, and did not really care for it. This is the platform I have been using the most so far though! I have thoroughly enjoyed using it, and it’s not all about the selfie ( for me at least, unless cat selfies count ). I started out with a score of 0 ( obviously, since I didn’t have it before ). The score is the total of snapchats you have sent out and received.

    score = 0

    score = 195